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Frequently Asked Questions
Top 5 asked questions
1 Once I register, what can I access?
As an esteemed self-registered user, you can look up ratings on over 170,000 business entities and read in-depth details on rating actions published within the last... More>>
2 How do I look up a rating?
If you know the name of the issuer or deal whose rating you are looking for:​​... More>>
3 What if my username and password isn't recognized?
Passwords are case-sensitive; be sure to enter capital and lowercase letters where necessary. If you still encounter problems with your password, you can ... More>>
4 What does Moody's do with my personal information?
​Information entered is for the use of Moody's and its affiliates only. We do not disclose this information for marketing purpose to third parties or sell it... More>>
5 System Requirements
In order to view all of the content on, your system must meet the following requirements: 1. Browser must be Chrome (63 or higher)​... More>>